When Jeremiah came here, he was a doggy skeleton with doggy skin stretched over it. I'm sure he had never lived in a house. He was afraid of everything. He was starving and freezing. It was below zero for weeks, and he had no body fat to keep him warm at all. Two nails on toes on his right hind foot were torn off, and the toes bled. This little boy needed a lot of TLC. He learned really quickly about where to pee, and has had no accidents in a long time.
-Jeremiah's Foster Mom

Jeremiah has been here for almost two months now! He has put on weight, and is looking sleek and healthy, although still a little on the thin side. He is so smart! IBR sent me a new collar for him, and I made a fuss over it when I put it on him, telling him how handsome he looked in his new blue collar. A day or two later, I noticed that he was without his collar, and I asked him what he did with it? I said "Jeremiah, where is your new blue collar?" He listened to me intently, and then walked into the living room and nosed around on the couch. I didn't think anything about it until he returned with the collar in his mouth! He knew exactly what I had asked. I had only used the word collar for a short time, two days before. What a smartie! He will make someone a wonderful loving dog.
-Jeremiah's Foster Mom

Jeremiah did great at daycare today. He and his foster sisters are so tired! He was sleeping on the couch, but his head was hanging over the edge of the couch. He kept waking up just in time pull his head back up onto the couch. He finally fell asleep so deeply that he didn't notice his head. All of a sudden, I heard a thump. The weight of his head had pulled Jeremiah off of the couch and he tumbled onto the floor. He looked up a little bewildered, but he had landed on a dog cushion, so he decided to stay right there: easier than trying to keep from falling off the couch again. We'll do daycare again tomorrow!
-Jeremiah's Foster Mom